AMTSO Standards – Phase 1 Commentary Submission

The AMTSO Testing Standards provide for multiple feedback rounds during the course of a test. Phase 1 feedback is opened at commencement of each test – at this point all potential Test Subject Vendors should have received notification of the Test Plan along with the proposed test timing schedule, and should have made a decision on whether or not to adopt Participant status in the test.

Commentary on the Test Plan is accepted from all potential Test Subject Vendors. Vendors not adopting Participant status will be asked to provide their reasons for this choice, which will form their official Commentary on the test. Further feedback will be solicited at Phase 2, the end of the test; note that only feedback from Participants will be accepted as official Commentary during Phase 2, although feedback from other Vendors will be reviewed by AMTSO and actioned or published as appropriate. Vendors completing the Commentary significantly later than the schedule test commencement date may not be eligible for all Participant benefits.

If you have received a test notification indicating that not all potential Test Subject Vendors have been publicly listed, and you believe your product(s) may be included in the test without formal notice from the Tester, you are encouraged to complete the form below to ensure access to official Participant rights and benefits if required.

INFORMATIONAL: Test identification – the following tests are currently active. Test Plans, and in most cases lists of Test Subject Vendors, can be found following the links below to the AMTSO Test Calendar system.

    • AMTSO-LS1-TP095 – Virus Bulletin – “Virus Bulletin VB100 2024 Test Series
    • AMTSO-LS1-TP103AV-TEST Institute – “Android Consumer Test Series 2024
    • AMTSO-LS1-TP104AV-TEST Institute – “MacOS Business Test Series 2024
    • AMTSO-LS1-TP105AV-TEST Institute – “MacOS Consumer Test Series 2024
    • AMTSO-LS1-TP106AV-TEST Institute – “Windows Business Test Series 2024
    • AMTSO-LS1-TP107AV-TEST Institute – “Windows Consumer Test Series 2024
    • AMTSO-LS1-TP108 – AppEsteem – “UwS Handling Certification 2024 Series
    • AMTSO-LS1-TP125 – MRG Effitas – “Q3 2024 360 Degree Android Assessment and Certification
    • AMTSO-LS1-TP126 – MRG Effitas – “Q3 2024 360 Degree Assessment and Certification
    • AMTSO-LS1-TP127 – SecureIQLab – “Cloud Web Application Firewall Methodology V4.0
    • AMTSO-LS1-TP128 – SE Labs – “Q4 2024 Endpoint Protection for Enterprise, SMB, and Consumer
    • AMTSO-LS1-TP129 – AVLab Cybersecurity Foundation – “November 2024 Advanced In-the-Wild Malware Test
    • AMTSO-LS1-TP130 – Virus Bulletin – “Virus Bulletin VBSpam Q4 2024 Test
    • AMTSO-LS1-TP131 – Testing Ground Labs – “October 2024 Android Detection Test – Consumer Edition
    • Please ensure the correct test ID is selected. To review test plans and other compliance-related material, please use the links above. 

      For logged-in members, some fields below are auto-filled based on your user profile.

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